Boy time flies!! Phew!!  Hannah is now 5 1/2 and Spencer will be 8 in January. I look back at the last several years and wonder where all the time went.  This family is my dream come true.  I have been dreaming of this day since I was a little girl. 
To be married to a fabulous guy (he can be fabulous some days), have two kids (a boy and a girl), a dog (we had 2, plus a cat and some fish), and a house with a white picket fence (no fence).  None-the-less, most of my dream is my reality now.  I get to stay at home and guide my children while I watch them grow.  It is just so amazing.  I can truly understand our family motto because I am living it.  SO-muchlove is what we are and what we live in all aspects of our lives!!

I am now Director at Westside Parent Participation Preschool. Teaching and now directing has been an exciting endeavor. I truly love the children and the families I had the joy of working with. I couldn't ask for more in such a rewarding job.


I hardly have the time to papercraft anymore. However I have gotten the amigurumi bug from my friend. She has slowly taught me how to make things and now I can't get enough. When I have enough time to sit and crochet... I look for new projects to create. Last year my big project was a froggie backpack for the Preschool Silent Auction. This year I am working on some small handcrafted gifts for friends. And I started making crocheted hair clips to generate some funds for schools and families in need. Check here to see and buy some of the hairclips. This year I will also work on making some crocheted leg warmers and fingerless gloves for an 80's style New Year's Party we're all going to attend. If they come out cute... I may just show a picture of them! :)

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